
Learning from Nature is one of the fundamental teachings of Permaculture, a sustainable system of ecological design that helps us make the best use of available resources in order to care for the Planet Earth and its people.
In this sense, Permaculture Structures and Natural Building is an important chapter of Chiavassa Design.

By combining different Permaculture principles, such as observing and interacting, producing no waste, using and valuing diversity, designing from patterns to detail, among others, Chiavassa Design aims to contribute for a more balanced and sensible ecological system where ourselves and our communities live in a more graceful and wholesome way.

It is our aim to respect the nature around us and leave the biosphere in a more productive and healthy state. Either in the city, the suburbs, or in the countryside, Chiavassa Design and partners can address projects as small as a window with sprouts or as large as a farm or bioregion.

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